Love you, too
Some of the best sploshing I've ever seen. You looked like you were having a wonderful time, hope you had a wonderful birthday!
sayso 5/15/20
 Love you, too
Do not hesitate. buy this now. It's difficult to put into words how good this scene is. It's not just that Boy Chucker is sexy, although she obviously is. It's that her attitude toward, and sheer enjoyment of, getting messy pushes it over the edge into an all-time great video. Every single time she pies herself or pours slime or chocolate over her head and chest, her body quivers with sexually charged delight. Most women who get messy on camera do so just to get paid--and that's great! Hats off to those ladies. Boy Chucker is one of the rare examples, however, that you just know would be getting messy (and loving it!) even if the Internet had never been invented. Possibly the greatest mixed-substance video ever produced. If you sleep on this one, you will regret it forever!
MudBathingBoi 3/13/20
 Love you, too
"Beautiful busty women celebrates here birthday Wam style!"
Wow, what a great way to celebrate ones birthday. Love the cake smash at the start. Also love the vibrant slime colors too. And of course you are one well endowed smoking hot lady. Great job pieing yourself looks like you had a lot of fun. Keep the great content coming.
mhop 3/1/19
 Love you, too
"Genuine arousal = Hot. As. fuuuuuuuck."
This is a very simple video of one girl enjoying herself while getting messy, and it is f@cking hot as hell. Everyone on this site has certain specific things that they like to see in a video. Everything from white socks to filled underwear to bare feet to total hair coverage to non-wiping throughout the mess. My thing has always been when a model's genuine arousal is on full display. No rehearsed groans or faux shock here, just Amy's "so turned on she can barely contain herself" wide open mouth and heavy breathing before, during and after each cake/pie/slime. The anticipation before the cake, like she's working up the courage to smash it in her face, or more likely as if she's so turned on that she wants the moment to last as long as possible, is so damn hot it'll make the viewer's heart beat faster just watching. Seriously the hottest video I've seen in a looong while. Thanks for sharing.
thedude18 7/5/18